1 TEAS - Stafanovikion

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1 TEAS - Stafanovikion


Line-up of many UH-1Hs at Stefanovikion on 2 September 2011. The UH-1Hs are with the units:

All the U-17s are parked on a massive flight-line. Bothe units, the 1 TEAS  and 3 TEAS, are equipped with the U-17A/B.  

U-17A ES294 belongs to 1TEAS - 3LA/E.

On the day of our visit in September 2011 there were less flying activities. Seen here is UH-1H ES829 from SAS/2LE.

This AH-64A ES1006 is from 1 TEEP and ready for a new mission. In 1995 20 AH-64A+ were purchased.

Coming back is NH300C number ES117 from SAS/1 LEE.

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