115 PM - Souda (Crete)
115 PM - Souda (Crete) - "Virtue is achieved through pain" (Euripides)
In the following verses the chorus addresses Iolaos. "Ah, cast thee not down, but endure heaven's stroke, nor thy spirit surrender unto anguished despair. She hath won her a portion in death that the world shall praise, who hath out of her agony risen, her brethen' s, our Athens' defender; And a crown shall she wear of renown that the worship of men on her brows shall place: For through tangle of trouble doth virtue unfaltering fare." (EURIPIDES, Children of Hercules, v. 619-25, Loeb, by A.S. Way).
September 2011
340 MV
F-16C/D block 52+
Call Sign: FOX
343 MV
F-16C/D block 52+
Call Sign: STA
Photographed in September 2011 F-16C number 537 of 340 MV with the DEMO TEAM F-16 "ZEUS" markings.
Forming the Team Group consisting of Squadron Leader David Graham (Flying Instructor), Captain Steve Masek (Flight Safety Officer) & Chief Master Sergeant Kerry Clark (Ground Crew Instructor and Narrator) began the training of Captain Captain Emmanuel Karahalios from 340 Sq, Captain Dimitrios Kontoulis from 343 Sq and the ground crew support members. A 28-days Training Program began on January 4th, 2010 and completed succesfully on February 1st, 2010, at 115 Combat Wing, in Souda Air Base. After months of continuously intense training, at November 7th, 2010, the HAF's F-16 Demo Team held its first official air show at 114 Combat Wing at Tanagra Air Base.
F-16D block 52+ from 340 MV returning to his shelter after a morning mission. Photo September 2011,
Greece is the launch customer for the CFT. The new conformal fuel tanks (CFT) gives the aircraft significantly add to mission radius. Seen in September 2011 is number 513 (both sides with CFT between the cockpit and the fin).
343 MV has six two-seater trainers flying with the unit. Photographed in September 2011 is F-16D block 52+ number 618 ready for a afternoon mission.
From 1960-1975 the F-84F was in active duty at Souda Air Base. Still present in September 2011 is number 815.